Going through the process of divorce can be long and painful. During this time, some people are able to get different living arrangements. For example, some may get an apartment or stay at a loved one’s place. However, if you and your ex can’t find different accommodation, you may have to live in the same place. Additionally, you both will have to stay there until one, or both, of you can find other arrangements. Until then, you’ll have to stay sane while cohabiting post-divorce.

Cohabiting Post-Divorce: Staying Sane

Take Breaks                             

Deciding that being divorced is the best for both of you is a hard enough life choice. Deciding on cohabiting post-divorce makes that even harder if you aren’t on friendly terms just yet. Because of this, take a break from your living situation every once in a while. This can be staying with a friend or a family member for a couple of days. This break can allow you a temporary distance from a tense setting.

This can also allow no communication between the two of you for a small period of time. Sometimes, no communication helps with how you two communicate in the future. For one, this doesn’t give you a chance to fight. Also, it blows off some steam that you may not know how to release otherwise.

Work Out Arrangements

With or without breaks, it’s still a good idea to work out arrangements for your cohabiting post-divorce life. Arrangements can be things like deciding which times each person can be in the kitchen or living room. Additionally, you can set up times to talk with each other. This can be used to set aside time for you both to talk about things that need to be discussed.

Setting a time to talk can be helpful in multiple ways. For one, this makes talking less stressful because there’s a time for it. Also, if one person gets upset with another, it allows them to cool off. Then, feelings can calmly be expressed with less of a chance of an argument. Also, these rules can be followed by guests! If one or both of you have company, have them follow the arrangements you two have made.

Cohabiting post-divorce with your ex can be an uphill battle. There are so many reasons why the both of you may have to share the same living space. Whatever the reason, you both can stay sane and successfully live together until further notice. Try taking occasional breaks from one another and work out arrangements that work for the both of you. This way, cohabiting can go a little smoother.