When it comes to life after divorce, you aren’t just going to wake up one day and move on. It takes time and a process to find those ways that will help you get over ending your life with someone. But there are a lot of things you can do to prevent your progress. So here’s a few ways to avoid preventing post-divorce progress as you try to move on.

Preventing Post-Divorce Progress: Habits That Get In the Way of Moving On

Holding a Grudge

Holding a grudge is one habit that will may end up preventing post-divorce progress. In order to move on from someone, you need to let go of the wrongs and disappointments that came from your relationship. Since your marriage ended in divorce, it’s safe to say one or both of you broke promises. Maybe throughout the process, things got ugly and your partner said harsh words. Whatever the circumstances surrounding the pain that person caused you, it’s important to let it go in order to move forward.

Isolating Yourself

Isolating yourself is another habit that may end up preventing post-divorce progress. When your going through that time, you may feel like curling into a ball and hiding from the world. You don’t want to talk about it and you don’t want to pretend to be okay. But shutting yourself out from the world can prevent forward progress. The goal is to be able to function in the world and enjoy yourself again. However, if you isolate yourself you never have the chance to do those things.

Blaming the Other Person

Only placing the blame on your ex can also end up preventing post-divorce progress. At some point, it’s best to assume the health amount of responsibility. Don’t shoulder too much of the blame or blame yourself for things that weren’t your fault. However, you don’t want to refuse to recognize your own responsibility in the relationship. Take ownership for your mistakes and in doing so, you can learn to move past them.

In short, moving on is a slow and necessary process. You want to be able to live a healthy and happy life again. But in order to do that you have to avoid unhealthy habits. They won’t do you any good and can only end up preventing post-divorce progress.