Divorce-related stress can be quite difficult to deal with. So, finding an outlet to combat stress can be pretty beneficial to your quality of life post-divorce. One means of getting out that frustration? Using sports! Many adults will push playing sports to the wayside as they get older. Maybe it feels juvenile, maybe you can’t find people your age to do it with, or you can’t seem to find the time. But, what better time to make a change for the better, than in a time of trouble? It’s time to get up, get moving, and find a new hobby…

Using Sports to Combat Divorce-related Stress: The Benefits

You can finally get that good night of sleep 

Another positive aspect of using sports to combat stress is that you can’t help but sleep well after a good workout. One of the most common complaints among divorcing people is that they can’t get a good night of sleep anymore. Their mind is always running, their stressed, they have a million things to do… But, if it’s been a while since you had a good, heavy exercise— you might find yourself knocked out on the couch when you meant to just watch a little TV. 

It’s a huge stress reliever

Getting those endorphins hot and rolling might be something you haven’t done in a while. So, what better means than by getting into a competitive sport? Healthy competition, a good workout, and your mind is occupied. If competitive sports aren’t your thing, consider a solitary one. Such as running, kicking around a soccer ball, or joining a kickboxing gym. There are plenty of options for any type of preference. 

Mood management

It’s easy to be a grump when you’re going through a tough time such as this— no one blames you. But, wouldn’t it be nice if you could let all of that go? Finding a healthy outlet for that pent-up energy and aggression is the first step to getting past it— allocating it. 

Did we mention it occupies your mind? 

Sports can be an incredible distractor because you have to focus in on what you’re doing at least a little bit. This is why we suggest competitive sports— they keep you on your toes and focused. Then, when it’s all said and done, you have something different to reflect on and maybe a few new friends. Having a goal to focus on can help ease your mind, lessen anxiety, and help you find your groove once again. Not to mention, while you’re doing all of this mental healing— you’re also getting into pretty great shape.